ECOS International Society 

Efficiency, Cost, Optimization and Simulation of Energy Systems

ECOS 2023 Conference, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain


ECOS is a nonprofit public benefit Corporation and is organized to perform educational activities within the meaning of the California Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c)(3). Specifically, the purpose for which the corporation is organized is the establishment and promotion of interest in, and the furtherance of, the following goals:

While ECOS was founded on thermodynamics, which is still an important driving topic, it has, as it must, taken on a much broader look at energy and its sustainability.

ECOS (“home”, in Greek, coined in 1992) exists since 1984, and its name was to inform members that our conferences are a home for a fruitful and friendly exchange of ideas, and that we need to protect the earth as our home.